New Line of Advocacy Gear

Introducing the Natural Mama NZ Store!
I've created a line a breastfeeding and natural parenting advocacy gear for those who wish to spread the word and show their support. These are the first in what I hope will be a long line of designs. I simply designed what I would want to wear, if there's any specific graphics or wording you'd like just let me know. I sell the gear through CafePress, which has an elaborate choice of colours, sizes and products you can apply the designs to, the choice is yours. Check it out!

Below is a sample of products available, though there's a range of colours you can mix and match, not just white. There's categories for women, men, babies, kids, dogs, accessories and gifts.

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  1. Cool! You have been busy, blogging buddy! :)

    The designs are great!

  2. If anyone should be opening a CafePress shop it's you Amyables! Have you got one? Your design are so beautiful, DO IT :)
